Book | Series 2: The Observer


The course teaches you about the observer. The observer is you: the being that sees, acts and thinks. We explain where the observer originates from and how it is formulated in the mind. We discuss how the observer is conditioned by experience.



The course teaches you about the observer. The observer is you: the being that sees, acts and thinks. We explain where the observer originates from and how it is formulated in the mind. We discuss how the observer is conditioned by experience.


In this series we examine the observer, the entity that watches everything and acts. Throughout the series we discuss the activities of the observer, its origin, and its identity. We examine how the observer is formed and why we cannot pinpoint its location in the mind when we look, it appears nebulous. In addition to these topics, we discuss the conditioned nature of the observer and explore how understanding oneself can offer some degree of freedom from this conditioning. The observer, being conditioned, interprets what it sees according to its conditioning. So, we discuss the process of interpretation and the role the observer plays in our lives.


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