The course teaches you about the how thought acts through a process of understanding what you see, and then responding to what you have understood. We explain how we interpret what see according to what we know.
In this series we discuss the action of thought as a process of understanding what one see’s and responding to what one has understood. We state there to be two types of responses: physical and psychological. We direct our discussion towards the psychological responses, referring the reader to the activity of the imagination. We discuss the possibility for the imagination to be healthy, as demonstrated by successful people, and the possibility of the imagination to be unhealthy, as demonstrated by insane people. We state the requirement for healthy imagination to be a state where one is always aware that the imagination is imaginary. When that perceptive fact is maintained, the imagination operates within a boundary that sustains mental health.
We discuss how we experience the world through our interpretation of it, rather than directly as it is. We explore the implications of interpretation on human behaviour, the possibility of misinterpretation, and the subtlety with which the mind interprets perception and creates an experience of reality.
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