The Masterclass Package
1000+ Students | 59 Hours of Reading | Level: Basic to Advanced
The complete collection of Silent Perception books. Discount: 50% OFF
Series 1: The Mind
1000+ Downloads | 180 Minutes | Level: Basic
The course teaches you how the mind is created by what we see, hear and think. Throughout the course we build a visual representation of the mind that we call ‘The Mind Model’. The model shows how the mind works.
Series 2: The Observer
1000+ Downloads | 180 Minutes | Level: Basic
The course teaches you about the observer. The observer is you: the one that sees, thinks and acts. We explain where the observer originates from and how it is formulated in the mind. We also discuss how the observer is conditioned by experience.
Series 3: The Process of Thought
1000+ Downloads | 90 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you where thought originates from: Knowledge is captured from experience and forms the basis for our thoughts. Since what we experience is limited, our knowledge and thoughts are also limited. The limitation effects what we think and how we react to situations.
Series 4: The System of Thought
1000+ Downloads | 240 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about the how thought operates as a single system that comprises intellect, emotion, perception and knowledge. You consider yourself to be the thinker, so we disucss what you are and how the experience of the thinker is created.
Series 5: Knowledge
1000+ Downloads | 360 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about the knowledge that acts as the basis for our thoughts, emotions and actions. We explore how knowledge is created, structured and modified over time. We also explain why knowledge appears in the mind as thought.
Series 6: The Action of Thought
1000+ Downloads | 240 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about the how thought acts through a process of understanding what you see, and then responding to what you have understood. We explain how we interpret what see according to what we know.
Series 7: The Field of Thought
1000+ Downloads | 180 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about how thought is broader than simply the words and images that appear in our minds. Thought determines the behaviours of people throughout the world. Thought is also instrumental in the creation of roads, buildings, laws, and many other structures.
Series 8: The Problems with Thought
1000+ Downloads | 150 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about the problems that arise due to the way thought functions. For instance, we may hold limited knowledge on a subject, but thought may present our opinion to the mind as if it were complete, true and could not be any other way. The book explains many such problems with thought and helps you build resilience to them.
Series 9: The Imagination
1000+ Downloads | 420 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about how the imagination works. The imagination informs our daily activities and acts as a creative space for us to experiment with ideas. We explore the ability of the imagination to unite people or divide people.
Series 10: Pleasure and Pain
1000+ Downloads | 780 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about what pleasure and pain are: reactions that have been conditioned into us biologically and psychologically. Correct conditioning facilitates reactions that enable us to keep safe and be creative. Incorrect conditioning facilitates reactions that cause us harm.
Series 11: Loneliness
1000+ Downloads | 180 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about why loneliness arises and how it is experienced: loneliness is the experience of isolation that is inevitably created by a mind that is self-concerned. When one is alone, one comes face-to-face with they mind they have built.
Series 12: Changing Human Behaviour
1000+ Downloads | 120 Minutes | Level: Intermediate
The course teaches you about how to change behaviour. We explore people’s current approach to changing behaviour and explain why it fails. By understanding the factor that causes the current approach to fail, we can simply do the opposite and uncover an approach that succeeds.
Series 13: Observation
1000+ Downloads | 420 Minutes | Level: Advanced
The course teaches you about how observation works. To understand ourselves we have to observe ourselves. When we begin to observe ourselves we discover that our perception is impeded by several factors. The course discusses these blockages and how to remove them.